Betekenis van:
higher up

higher up
    • in or to a place that is higher



    1. The bird went up higher and higher into the sky.
    2. The prices are going up higher and higher.
    3. The higher up, the greater fall.
    4. As we go up higher, the air becomes cooler.
    5. As you go up higher, the air becomes thinner.
    6. The higher up we went, the colder it became.
    7. The higher we go up, the thinner the air becomes.
    8. The higher we go up, thinner the air becomes.
    9. As we go up higher, the air becomes thinner.
    10. The higher we go up, the cooler the air becomes.
    11. "Did he take his job?" "Yes, he is located higher up in the food chain."
    12. The higher the ratio of children to parents, the harder it is to bring up the children.
    13. The members of each stratum accept as their ideal of decency the scheme of life in vogue in the next higher stratum, and bend their energies to live up to that ideal.
    14. Higher positions (up to 8 m) may be necessary in some circumstances.
    15. A higher reliability of the path characteristic data. Speeds up wagon turn around times.